How To Be a Strong Leader for Your Remote Workers

Victor Alston
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

Leading a business remotely is a challenging role. While it may seem difficult to keep everyone motivated when they are working remotely, it is not impossible. The right strategies can help any business leader increase productivity and effectiveness among their remote employees. Here are some strategies for successfully managing a remote team.

Video chat with employees

When talking in-person is not realistic, video calls are the next best option. Leaders who take the time to schedule virtual meetings will be able to see their employees’ faces and check in with them through a screen as they would in an office. Video chatting will be more personable than sending an email and will inspire better communication.

Be open to questions and suggestions

Working remotely may not come naturally to all employees. It will be important for leaders to encourage those employees to ask for help when they need it. Employees who are comfortable with what they are working on will be more effective and efficient, so it will benefit both the leader and the employees to check-in and ask for feedback.

Have an understanding attitude

Many employees may feel stressed or overwhelmed. It will be important to have an empathetic attitude and allow employees some time to adjust. No business leaders should let their employees walk all over them, but allowing an occasional extension on a deadline or listening to an employee who has a lot going on at home will mean a lot and lead to higher motivation in the long run.

Encourage team bonding

There are plenty of fun events that business leaders can host virtually. From team movie nights to paint and sips to company trivia, there are plenty of ways for remote teams to bond from the comfort of their own homes. This will make employees feel more comfortable working together remotely and increase engagement within the whole team.

Communicate clearly

Honesty is the best policy both in the office and remotely. Business leaders must give clear and direct instructions with all tasks for employees. Managers should also provide honest feedback if any employees need to do anything differently.

Any business leader who wants a more efficient and effective remote team should start following these tips today.



Victor Alston

Victor Alston lives in California where he’s the President and CEO at Luxe Living & Big Sur Construction, working in real estate development.